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Create brand meeting, we are young, we are positive energy.


Create sharp tile

The June brand meeting was successfully held



In June 8th, Chong Rui tiles June brand convention will be convened as scheduled. Hu Yeping, general manager of Chuang Rui brand and all staff members attended the meeting. Hu made a detailed summary of the sales work in May and affirmed the achievements made in May, and then made the plan and deployment of the June work.

Hu general speech

Summing up the May and making persistent efforts


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Hu made a detailed summary of last month's work from sales data analysis, terminal maintenance and new store development. In addition, Hu also shared with you on business skills, personal experience and customer service. It also subdivided the tasks in June to guide the brand in June.

Work report

Put forward a solution


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At the meeting, we made a report on the June work plan, and put forward their views on the operation of the respective regions, the trend of new products, and the feedback of the monopoly stores.

A successful collection of officials

War of June

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In the end, Hu summed up the meeting, put forward the emphasis, and encouraged everyone: efforts are the ladder of success, the more we pay, the closer to the goal, the more we believe everyone is striving to keep the passion of the fight, success must belong to us!

Conference Atlas


Strong, we are young;

To enjoy the future, we are energy;

Forge ahead, win the new ten years;